We're always looking for assistance to support with our many projects.

Cambridge Garden Festival:
The 2019 inaugural Cambridge Garden Festival was a huge success. Eleven garden owners were on hand to share their gardens, secrets and stories, and there were smiles everywhere we looked. And the 2022 festival was a sell-out.
Planning is already under way for 2024. - we will have some fresh gardens, some of the gardens that you want to see again and a couple of new surprises for you! We will update you during the year, and tickets will begin selling around August
Recycling Project
Now branded URBAN MINERS, this project to recycle e waste is very exciting with great outcomes for our community and planet earth!
Every August we help out the Cambridge Harriers by providing marshals for their ½ marathon, 10km and 5km events. This is not big time consumer and the harriers make a nice donation to Rotary. We also marshal for the annual Christmas parade in December
Bookarama 2025
Collecting will be soon underway for Bookarama 2025.
This is a WIN-WIN-WIN opportunity for all:
Some WIN by donating surplus books.
Others WIN buying books at bargain process.
The Community WIN by supporting local Charities.
Books donated should be:
In good order – as you would like to receive as a gift or buy for yourself.
- Fiction and non-fiction
- Hardback or paperback
- Collectable books
- Vintage comics
- Complete jigsaws or board games
- Old postcards
- Stamps & Coins
We do not want:
- Old textbooks
- Damaged books or books you wouldn’t want to buy or be given
- Old library books
- Readers digest abridged books
- Old gardening books or cookbooks
- Any magazines
- Video tapes, CDs, DVDs
If you are unable to deliver your books to Achievement House please call either:
Ray Milner 0274-810-777; or
Dennis Finn 0272-814-113
All funds raised are donated to Cambridge Community Charitable Organisations.
Thank you for your support.RYLA:
Each year we nominate 2 to 3 young adults to attend this course. They must be between 20 and 26 years of age and have potential to be future leaders in our community. We look for these people around February for them to attend the course in April at Epworth Camp on Lake Karapiro. The club pays the $650 fee on top of a $100 fee paid by the awardee.
This is a youth exchange with Australia. NZ student aged 13 to 16 years are matched with an Australian and spend 12 weeks in each other’s homes and their country.
Speech Contest:
On the first Friday night in December each year Rotary runs its annual speech contest. This is open to students from Year 5 to Year 8 from surrounding schools. They pick their own topic and speak for 3 to 5 minutes.
International Youth Exchange is a year long exchange for 16-18 years. Rotary Cambridge most years either sends a student overseas or, conversely, hosts one.
Apprenticeship Awards- a project where Rotary Cambridge supports young people learning a variety of trades.
In recent years, Rotary has under about 150 different projects.
Would you like to be involved? If so, press here